
pricing plan

Dedicated CPU Droplets ensure that your Droplet has access to the full computing power of your virtual server at any time. vps-agent offers multiple types of dedicated CPU Droplets, including General Purpose, CPU-Optimized, Memory-Optimized, and Storage-Optimized.

Choose your affordable VPS solution


started plan

  • RAM 4GB
  • Processor 2 Core
  • Storage 25GB NVMe.2
  • Bandwidth 200GB
  • port 1Gbps
  • Location MD,USA,LT,NL
  • Technical Support


business plan

  • RAM 8GB
  • Processor 4 Core
  • Storage 50GB NVMe.2
  • Bandwidth 300GB
  • Port 1Gbps
  • Location MD,USA,LT,NL
  • Technical Support


premimum plan

  • RAM 12GB
  • Processor 5 Core
  • Storage 70GB NVMe.2
  • Bandwidth 400GB
  • Port 1Gbps
  • Location MD,USA,LT,NL
  • Technical Support


monster plam

  • RAM 20GB
  • Processor 6 Core
  • Storage 100GB NVMe.2
  • Bandwidth 500GB
  • Port 1Gbps
  • Location MD,USA,LT,NL
  • Technical Support

VPS-agent is an industry leading VPS hosting company that provides virtualized server services with high performance, availability and friendly support. We offer cheap VPS services with generous resource allocations. Our other offers are high storage virtual machines and enterprise-ready VMs with dedicated resources.


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